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We started fertiliser spreading on the 15th January, the first date of the “open period” under NVZ rules. We focused on second wheat and wheat after oats to start with, and since then we have done winter barley, some first wheat and some winter triticale. We tend do go early with the first dose of fertiliser to kick crops on and retain tillers, once ahead always ahead!
Wheat is the worst looking crop this year, it seems to have suffered from the winter rainfall more than others. This is surprising as usually barley and beans suffer more from the wet. It has highlighted yet again the importance of early drilling. The closer you get to the big October rain events the worse crops look; this is the case all around the area.
We used the frosts in January to re-drill a few thin areas of wheat, the drill went really well in the frost but did mean some very early starts.
We are out loading some wheat on farm and have had one ergot rejection so far. Ditching continues at a pace and we will be wrapped up with that this week.
The next jobs to do are to continue fertiliser spreading and prepare the drills for spring drilling. We were nearly tempted to drill some spring oats this week but decided against it because of the huge amount of rain forecast and cold weather incoming.
Thanks to Karen and the team for the successful recent BRC audit, very well done
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