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Spring, where did that go? Following the wettest period we have had for a very long time I can only
reflect at how pleased I am that we made the decision to drill all of our spring cereals in early
February. Both the oats and barley have established exceptionally well and with at least 50 % of
their nutrition applied at drilling they will take no harm in the short term. Unfortunately I still have
peas and sugar beet to plant, historically peas drilled in April can do well, beet however need to be
in the ground very soon to reach their potential.
The winter cereal crops of wheat and barley are all looking well despite the prolonged wet spell,
these crops are ready for their first growth regulator to help prevent lodging ( falling over ) and to
encourage tillering, we would expect to include a fungicide with this application.
As I write this at 8:30 am on Monday the sun is shining and a good day is forecast before more rain
for the remainder of the week. Henry is applying growth regulator to the best winter barley and later
today he will start applying a weedkiller targeting blackgrass, Ian is backing the sprayer up with a
bowser today to maximise output during this very brief fine period.
I, along with a strong contingent from Camgrain attended the Central Stores meeting at Silverstone
on Wednesday of last week. This was a well-attended day by many of the central stores from right
across the UK. The overall feeling was very much one of collaboration where once competition may
have been the feeling between stores. Hopefully this will progress to a structured regular meeting as
there are many positives for us all to gain from.
Lastly if any of you could dance for some sunshine and warm weather, please crack on!
Have a great weekend.
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