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Harvest is some 10 days away for us which is considerably earlier than normal as we have not grown winter Barley for some considerable time. The idea is as entry to earlier drilling of oilseed rape. However, our Wheat and Spring Barley are still a month away from harvest.
I am looking forward to getting the final pool results and to receive our final cheque from Camgrain – well done to everyone marketing our crops and getting this across the line financially. I can then finalise my accounts which is the most important part of the farming cycle to see if you made a profit or loss!!
I am now slightly nervous having brought our fertilizer for next season and watching the price of wheat decline, this is where it’s so important to make a sale against the purchase. While waiting for harvest I am finalising the varieties we will grow next season and thanks to Camgrain for sending out a variety information sheet.
In a weeks’ time we will be allowed under Higher level stewardship scheme to cut our 6m grass margins (these surround most fields for insects and birds) which make harvesting easier- see picture of spring barley in foreground.
Waiting for harvest when the weather is ideal is always the most frustrating of times, which I usually endure when Camgrain famers in the east have finished harvest and we are only starting our spring Barley! Next week looks as if conditions for combines will be ideal!
On a different note, my English springer Spaniel gave birth to 6 strong pups yesterday so that is quite a distraction currently for me and my grandchildren.
Thank you to ALL the team in advance of the work to come it is appreciated.
Wishing you all a safe harvest
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