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This time of year is about our busiest with sugar beet and pea drilling to be done , fertiliser on wheats and OSR and then first fungicide sprays on them too. Added to that we are also calving our suckler herd and lambing started yesterday so plenty going on!
Our group pea drilling is going well. We have over 90 growers in the group and we need to drill to a plan that will hopefully give us about 500T of peas a day when we start harvest in the middle of June. There is a strict plan in place that means we drill when told to not necessarily when conditions are ideal on farm. We start on light land around Woodbridge in Suffolk and then move around the coast to Bacton before going onto heavier land in south Norfolk and North Suffolk. We start drilling in early March and hopefully finish by mid to late May. It normally works and so far in 2022 things are going well.
We will have the Fun park open from April 2nd - April 19th for our Spring Bonanza. We have missed the last 2 years because of Covid restrictions so hope visitors will want to visit us.
The first Bulgarian colleagues have arrived in our hostel we run for the Gs Group and their reports of the impact of the situation in Ukraine make any issue we have seem insignificant- one cannot imagine what those poor people are going through.
Stay sfae and well
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