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It has been, what appears to be, a typical spring for us in Suffolk. A lack of rain has meant spring crops have suffered somewhat; however recent showers are helping things along. Winter barley and wheat both look well, finding moisture on our clay soils. Oilseed rape is just coming off flower and looks like the best crop we have grown for many years.
Ears of wheat are starting to appear; this is two weeks earlier than usual. It looks like we are in for an early harvest! This is no bad thing really; it allows us to time to catch up with many important jobs such as mole draining fields and loosening and compacted or waterlogged areas. It also allows timely sowing of next years oilseed rape crops and our over winter cover crops.
We have been trialling inter row hoeing for Blackgrass control, it has worked well when conditions were good. There is a lack of chemical control for this weed nowadays due to resistance, so we are always looking at new methods to try and stay ahead of it. Another new method we will be using is a Redekop Seed control unit. This is part of a two-year trial hosted by NIAB. Essentially this machine attaches to the back of the combine and uses a small mill to destroy any weed seeds going through the combine. It should be an interesting trial and it is good to have some scientists on board evaluating it all.
A long list of jobs to do before harvest is currently being made and we want to crack on with all this asap for an anticipated early harvest. I am sure everyone at Camgrain is preparing similarly.
Thankyou all.
Stay safe and well
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