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Over the farm gate - this week kindly supplied by John Jefferies, Jefferies Farming Partners, Bedfordshire

I normally try to avoid talking about farming and the crops on the farm within these articles as it tends to just turn into a piece about the weather.

However, on this occasion there is no way to avoid this. We have had a long cold spring. April has been a month to forget due to its dry cold climate. Just 5mm of rain and many many nights of frost. The frost particularly hit the crops hard and they are currently very stunted, especially the beans. However, we still live in hope with the forecast of a warm rain on a southerly wind over the weekend. The farm needs this change desperately. It seems to be the only conversation amoungst farmers at the moment. About 10mm is forecast and that should make a great difference, if it arrives! So my plans for Saturday are to put the washing out, invite friends (just 2 obviously) for a bbq, find every possible piece of music related to rain and to go to London on my motorbike to view a flat with my eldest daughter. I dare not do anything that might cause the rain not to arrive, so these plans will be sure to encourage it!

On a different note. During the winter I had a back injury which means I now have to walk a lot in order to keep the mobility of my lower back. So, in one of those bucket list type moments I decided to do a sponsored hike. I am raising funds for Leukaemia UK, which is a cause very close to me. The number 57 features greatly within this and whilst planning the hike I happened to notice that, when combining 2 long distance footpaths in Cambridgeshire, that my farm is about 57kms from David White’s (Camgrain Vice-chairman) farm. So that gave me a start and finish line. I will be starting just down the road in my local village and will take most of the day to reach David’s farm. The route takes in many parts of the stunning Cambridgeshire countryside and goes through the city centre before heading out into the fens and finally turning south.

So, please do take a moment to look at my just giving page. The full story is there. If any of you are able to sponsor me then that would be greatly appreciated. The link is

Stay safe and well

John Jefferies

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Over the Farm Gate is kindly supplied by John Jefferies - Farmer Director
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Over the Farm Gate is kindly supplied by - Andrew Maddever - Farmer Director
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Over the Farm Gate is kindly supplied by - Jo Robinson - Farmer Director
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Over the Farm Gate is kindly supplied by - David White - Farmer Director
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Over the Farm Gate is kindly supplied by - Jo Robinson - Farmer Director
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Over the Farm Gate is kindly supplied by - Carl Driver - Camgrain Chairman
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