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Harvest is progressing steadily in East Norfolk. All the OSR and Barley is cut and we have 4 or 5 days of wheat to go. The benefits of being a Camgrain member are fully highlighted in a year like this where weather is anything but summer like. Being able to combine at higher moisture levels gives extra hours every day and helps us conserve quality.
The late harvest has pushed back next years OSR drilling and we are drilling and combining in the same field!!
Getting this crop established correctly is crucial and we have to seal down the crop with herbicide and fertiliser within a couple of days of drilling so yet another job that needs doing!
Along with harvest we also have our Maize Maze and Farmshop running. Both continue to be extremely busy with our bigger headache being the shop car park, which is also our main farmyard (!) making carting grain and loading lorries safely a real logistics exercise!
Today we are making a start on next year’s crop by drilling OSR … Fingers crossed it gets away well and we avoid too many problems with the Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle!
As with all members we are extremely grateful for all the work the team do, across the 4 sites, to turn lorries round and get grain into a fit state to store. Hopefully the weather will improve and we can all get harvest finished quickly and safely.
Wishing everyone a safe and secure harvest,
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