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Harvest continues in its stop/start pattern. Partly due to the showers and partly due to the awful wet autumn and spring which resulted in a large range of crops drilled over a large range of timings. This means that I seem to only have 2 days harvesting in front of me at anytime, then a few days off before it is all hands in deck again.
Harvest logistics, and the difficulties involved, is something that many of you will be very familiar with. For me at farm level this means that not only do I have to try to judge the yield of the crop but I also have to guess the harvest date and book trucks accordingly.
I have trucks booked next week and at the moment the weather forecast seems to be ok, meaning that I will be able to cut some, stop and fill the trucks, ad then get back out and cut some more.
I for one really do appreciate the exceptional circumstances this year and see the incredible work that the CG and FLB staff are putting in to see the farmers through this most difficult of seasons. Well done to all.
Last week I hosted the @Farmersoftheuk Twitter account. I tried to show the amount of work that goes on on a farm at this time of year. I also tried to promote my holiday cottages (which are running at 99.5% occupancy this summer), my wife’s books and Camgrain.
One nice little coincidence that happened during the week was meeting Chris who works for Nestlé, alongside our main contact, within the supply chain contracts we have access to through the Clean Wheat Plant.
Chris was staying in one of our holiday let’s for the week and throughly enjoyed a trip around the harvest field on the combine too!
So, onwards and upwards. Heads down and let’s get this harvest over the line. So so many of our members depend upon Camgrain and, whilst there might be some frustrations along the way, the support they receive from the CG staff is truly appreciated.
Wishing you a safe and seure harvest
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