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Predictably, as the crops got ready to cut the weather took a down turn! Its years like this that really show the benefit of Camgrain membership. With no winter barley my first crop was early sown Planet spring barley. Moisture varied from ~15% at best to something worse, but as some of the seeding/fertilizer over laps were flat and with an unsettled forecast it needed cutting whatever. Later spring barley and spring oats aren’t ready yet so last thing on Wednesday I started some Gleam wheat and managed to fill a trailer load before the rain hit. Not sure how the spring barley yield finished up as I’ve been too busy to look on the portal but combine tank got filled on a single round on a smallest fields so that’s ok with me.
Less than ok is the fact that the combine developed a occasional issue feeding the crop into the thrashing drum so its now in bits for investigation as to why this is. Worst than that my bean to cup coffee machine has developed a fault and despite spending 1.5hrs taking it apart in the workshop this morning its still not delivering essential harvest caffeine and it will need taking to the “man that can” ☹️ .
Brighter news, as I try and be cup half full my cover crop seed order came today and I have already got seed I had in stock sown behind some of the spring barley and it is emerging nicely in the lovely damp soil.
Wishing you all a safe stress free harvest
David White
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