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Harvest is in full swing and thanks to Camgrain we are now 59% completed as of this morning (Thu 10th). We now have 462ha of wheat left to harvest and 270ha of beans. All the other crops are finished.
So far yields have been pretty good and quality all intact
It has been frustratingly stop / start, and feels like harvest has been going on forever since we started winter barley at the beginning of July. However, I have not found it particularly stressful, having our investment in Camgrain is paramount to timely harvesting meaning we can get on with following operations with excellent timeliness. Once behind you are always fighting an uphill battle but this simply does not happen because of all of the hard work everyone at Camgrain does for us. Social media is full of panicking farmers at the moment, I cannot help but feel a little smug as its years like these where Camgrain really stands head and shoulders above anything but the absolute best on farm storage.
We are currently mole draining and have done 700 acres so far. This keeps the fields dry and is essential when direct drilling, it was too hard and dry last year for it to be effective, so we are catching up this year. We are cultivating fields which are unlevel and need attention, this is going nicely. Cover crops are going in today with a shallow cultivation pre-spring oats and barley.
The ground is fairly wet, so as we direct drill all our winter crops with no cultivation it is essential that we keep to our controlled traffic farming system. This means we only run on 15% of the field as opposed to 70-80%, picture below will demonstrate that.
A big pat on the back to Carl, who drives the combine. He has achieved some huge outputs so far with our best day being 89 hectares (210 acres) in a single 12-hour stint on some decent Isobel oats and dawsum wheat. He seems to be getting better at thrashing output from a combine with age!
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