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It’s nice to be Normal.
Well, that’s normal on two levels actually.
I went to the Groundswell Show https://groundswellag.com today (Weds), this is a show that’s been going five years and is held at John and Paul Cherry’s Lannock Manor Farm near Baldock. They farm organically and run an annual Conservation/Regenerative Ag show. Its often described as the Glastonbury of farm shows as it has a laid-back feel and covers the more environment aspects and techniques of how some of us farm now. Although ticket numbers are restricted it has an increasing following of conventional farmers who want (need?) to get an understanding of how they will need to farm under the coming Environmental Land Management support system (ELMs). The show has developed really well over the last few years and the compost toilets of year one have nearly been erased from peoples memories!
So, my normal 1.0 - it was good to be in an environment when most of the attendees “get it” and I’m not regarded as slightly strange in how I farm and how my fields look. We should not overlook peer pressure to conform to a way of behaving in anything we do and to occasionally have the support of others is a great tonic.
Normal 2.0 is, (WOW!), it was good to go out and interact with people again. Other than going to a very occasional meeting or outing to get farm supplies, it’s the second “event” I’ve been to in about 18 months! Everyone kept a sensible distance apart and hand sanitised regularly, the seminar marquees were open sided and we were in a field, but it felt normal. It shows that by sticking to sensible rules we can operate safely at work and interact socially again and get our lives back on track. With the frenetic rush of harvest approaching and with the guidance of the Executive team I’m sure we will have another safe “normal” harvest as we did last year.
Speaking of harvest, it going to be later this year, phew! The recent welcome rain, whilst variable in total across our collect, has set crops up to yield well. Last year yields were very light in most areas but despite a difficult autumn and spring things are now coming together nicely and the stores can hope to get back to a normal order of crop intake rather than beans coming in with rape in July!!!
And finally, heads up to our lab and store opps teams, I’ve grown some co-cropped beans and oats (christened Boats, see pic). Can we check that the lab has this crop on its drop-down pick list please and someone knows what combination of dresser sieves are needed to separate them…………what was I saying about being normal?
Have a safe and enjoyable harvest.
David White
(Camgrain Vice Chairman)
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