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As I write this at the very start of July and reflecting on the season it is remarkable how well the crops continue to look. We had a very wet autumn in which to establish crops followed by an extended dry and cold spring with crops very slow to get going and keen for the rains to arrive to activate the spring applied fertiliser. This duly arrived just before crops were going to lose yield potential and since then we have had plentiful rain with generally mild temperatures and now lush crops. To see crops home, we now need sunshine which makes starch and therefore yield. This is typical of the “Farmers Want” always asking for perfect growing conditions!!
The consequence of this season’s weather is almost certainly a late start to harvest in comparison with recent seasons with combines unlikely to really get going until early August as opposed to the usual 20th July. If the sun does shine, I am sure the stores will be brimming with grain and if August has catchy weather our farmer members will be very pleased to have the drying infrastructure ready to make safe member grain for storage. This is when Camgrain really comes to the fore and can make a real difference for members in pressing ahead with harvest and capturing the quality in the crops they deliver to store.
This is my last chance to report from the farm before harvest, so from the Board and our members, good luck for the harvest campaign, stay safe and let’s hope when I next write we will have harvest largely safely complete and gathered in so we can continue to play our part in feeding the nation. Thanking you all for all you do on our behalf’s.
Stay safe and well,
John Latham
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