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No two seasons ever seem to be the same! The spring weather has given us all a different challenge to the last couple of years but we now seem to be fairly well set for a good harvest across most crops with some fantastic wheat crops stretching across the region. The start of harvest looks to be slightly delayed across the country by up to 10 days but, when it comes, it will again be all hands to the pumps to get it in safely and efficiently.
The recent thunder storms in the east have caused a few issues, particularly with standing barley (picture below) but I hope some of these scenes are relatively few and far between! The wheat, by contrast, is looking great! (picture above)
It seems unreal that we are about to go into our second harvest under the cloud of the pandemic which continues to impact on our daily working and personal lives – the resilience of all to live and cope with it is admirable and I hope that the whole Camgrain business has an incident free and thoroughly enjoyable harvest. Whilst it will be hugely busy for all, it is the culmination of a year’s work and satisfying to see what we can all achieve.
In the meantime though, we all have to get through the excitement and stress of 8pm on Sunday!! Good luck England.
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